Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Geography Pedestrian Survey

For this survey, the whole class worked as a group. We started by being given a grided map of Halifax's Central Business District and a small area surrounding it. Our teacher kept a copy of this as the master map. Each square on the map could be identified like the one below. This made identification of points easy. On this map there were (number) points marked by dots (see above) in the Central Business District and beyond. These were then grouped together into groups of approximately seven. The class was then split into pairs, and each pair was then allocated one of the groups of dots. The reason for working in pairs is so that one person could time and one could count the people passing. It was also for safety reasons. Before we started the count, we worked out some rules or guidelines for the whole class to follow. These were to * To count all people that passed, including babies in prams. * To not count pets/ animals * To count everyone on ONE side of the road only, except in precinct locations where everyone in the precinct was counted. A time limit of 5 minutes per point was decided. Each pair then went to their separate points to start counting/ timing. My pair had 6 points to count, so for 3 points person A timed and person B counted, and for the other 3 points, person A counted and B timed. The timer was started at the same time as the other half of the pair began counting. Every person was recorded as a tally on a table like the one below. Each point was named as the grid reference of the square it was in. After 5 minutes the timer was stopped, and the tally totalled. This was repeated for all 6 points. After they had all been done, we reported back and recorded our results on the master map along with the rest of the groups' results. We were all given a copy of this map so we had records for all the points surveyed. We used a tally to count al the pedestrians as it is easy to put a dash for every person and the results could be totalled quickly. This was especially useful in busy locations, where large groups of people were passing at once. We set the time limit because then the whole groups' results would be done over that amount of time. The time limit was set as 5 minutes because this would give us a reasonable time to count for, and the results would not be too high or too low. Problems/ Anomalies Our particular pair did not encounter many problems, but many of the other groups did. The only problem we had that could have affected the results was that the point nearest the bus station could have been affected by buses coming in and out. At the time we counted there weren't many buses, so the tally could have been higher at a different time of day. Here is a list of the problems encountered, as well as some other things that could have affected the survey in any way, and how I overcame them. * The weather, day of the week, date and time were recorded because any of these may have affected the survey. For example, the weather could affect the survey as if it was dry then there would be people outside than if it were raining. The day of the week could affect the survey because there would be a different number of people in town on weekdays than at weekends. The date was important, as there may be more people who would come into town at certain times of the year, for example at Christmas or at holiday seasons. The time of day could affect numbers of people if it was half day for example. Also the closing and opening times of shops must be taken into consideration. * In Halifax's Central Business District there are changes being made, and new buildings being built which occasionally meant that all pedestrians had to walk on one side of the road. This would have affected the results. * A very similar problem was that where roads were being resurfaced or dug up, pedestrians also had to walk around these, creating a disruption in pedestrian flow. * One pair found that they were standing outside the entrance to an office at lunch- time, so large groups of workers created an unusually high pedestrian density. This was because the survey was conducted around lunch- time. If it had been carried out at a different time of day then this would not have been a problem. * There were often a lot of people on streets that were important routes (to the bus station for example) this could mean that high pedestrian densities were found in areas where the other predictions of Central Business District properties weren't necessarily true. For example there may be poor shopping quality and a high pedestrian count if the road led to the Station. In this aspect the survey is flawed, but not many surveys are perfect. As so many points were done, one or two anomalies shouldn't matter too much. * The master map that was used to share out the points and on which all our results were recorded hadn't been photocopied very well. This meant that four points were presumed to be marks on the map and weren't given to anyone to survey. These were F5, F7, F8 and F10. No results were got for these points, but a reasonable estimate can be made using the results form previous surveys carried out at similar times on the same day of the week by another class. I also looked at the points in neighbouring grid squares to try and make a reasonable estimate. When these were compared with the results from the other group, they were found to be very similar. Anomalies * At F5, there were 147 pedestrians counted. This is a very high number for an area not really close to the centre of Halifax's Central Business District, or an area without department stores. This could have been because it is near Netto's and a busy newsagents and crossroads. Other Possible Problems * Groups of school children or any other unusually large groups of people in quiet areas could be a problem. * If a pair were counting outside the theatre and a film had just finished or was just starting, then more people would be around and also on the streets leading to it, especially if it was a new or popular film. * Large sales at big shops (e.g. the ‘Next' sale) often draw large crowds, and people will often queue to get in. This would also create pedestrian anomalies. Was The Survey Successful? These problems prove that the survey was not flawless but the results I got will give me an idea of pedestrian density in Halifax and where the busiest and most quiet areas are. I have covered everywhere in Halifax, but I don't feel that this would be very reasonable. There are gaps in the survey, but it would take a very long time and a lot of people to do a more accurate survey, and I don't think that the results I have would be further improved to make this worthwhile. I have enough data to be able to display in different ways and investigate further. In the next chapter I will start to evaluate these results and look for patterns and relationships. How Could the Survey Be Improved? The survey could have been improved by any of the following methods- * Counting at more points to get a more accurate result. * Repeating the survey at different times on different days, or at the same time on the same day a week later and comparing the results. If this was done, a more accurate picture could be seen, and anomalies more easily spotted. Land Use Survey To carry out this survey, I got a map of Halifax that was on a large enough scale to have every building in it's Central Business District on it. I then thought of all the possible land uses of the buildings in the Central Business District and put them into groups of similar uses e.g. chain stores/ department stores. I then assigned a letter and colour to each of these groups. I gave each group a letter because this could be written onto the map when I was in Halifax and was easier than taking a lot of coloured pencils. I gave each a colour so that I could colour each shop when I got home to make the results clearer. I then went into Halifax to carry out the survey. To carry out this survey I took the map of Halifax ‘s Central Business District, the key and a pencil to mark the letter on each building. I started in one corner of Halifax and walked along every street, marking the buildings as I went. To do the whole of Halifax would have been unreasonable, so I decided to mark groups of similar buildings, even if there may have been the odd one which wasn't in that category. I also went into the Tourist Information to find some more maps and information on Halifax. These helped me fill in any buildings that I had missed. Problems Here is a list of some of the problems that I encountered whilst carrying out the survey. * Some buildings had more than one use on different floors. In this case I recorded the most important use. In cases such as the Piece Hall, they were both classed as one type of shop, because most of the shops there are selling craft item or food. * The main problem I had was that Halifax is undergoing a lot of changes at the moment and a new set of shops was under construction in Woolshops. As the changes are very recent, none of the maps that I have show the new shops, and I had to either draw them in or colour the area as ‘under- construction'. By the time I have finished this project, the shops are likely to be finished, so it is possible that I can update the results then. * Some of the shops were so small that I couldn't fit a letter on them. To overcome this problem, I grouped shops of similar types. Possible Problems * If the town had been any bigger, then survey would have been much more difficult to do, as it would take hours to do every single shop. Was the Survey Successful? I think that the methods I used worked well and using a map and finishing the survey at home saved time. As the point of the survey is to get a general pattern of where the different types of land use that occur in Halifax's Central Business District, I don't think that colouring every single building would have been necessary. Colouring in blocks of similar shops saved time, and though some areas may not have been strictly accurate, the general pattern will not be affected. The survey will help show patterns and groups of similar shops as well as where the main shopping areas are, and where the main business areas are. It should also be related to the Peak Land Value Intersection, but I will investigate this in the next chapter. How Could the Survey Be Improved? The survey could have been improved by any of the following measures- * I could have looked at every single shop- this would have been possible if lots of people did the survey together and put their results together. * A newer map would have created a more up-to-date result. * An even bigger scale map would let me write the names of the shops on, but this isn't really necessary. Model Central Business District To start this survey, I firstly formulated some question to compare Halifax to a model Central Business District. I then got a map of Halifax and worked out where its centre was (See finding the centre of Halifax's Central Business District) and then used a compass to draw concentric circles moving outwards from the centre of Halifax. I drew 6 circles at equal intervals to represent the zones of Halifax's Central Business District and took this map into Halifax. Once in Halifax, I walked through each of the zones and answered the questions while I was there. I also used a map if I was unsure of any of the answers and this helped me when I was back at home. Every question was either a yes or no answer, so most of the time this wasn't a problem. I started in the innermost zone and answered all the questions while I was there, before moving outwards and answering all the questions for the next zone and so on until I had covered most of the areas on my map. Problems There were some problems that I encountered whilst doing this survey. These were- * It was often quite difficult to tell exactly where the zones started and finished, and some zones included a lot of road and some didn't contain any. * Some questions, like the one about building height, are affected by the fact that Halifax's Central Business District buildings are protected. This is because they are of historical value and may mean that they aren't very tall. This would not normally be the case in a Central Business District. * Parking is actually allowed in Halifax's Central Business District but a lot of it is voucher parking. * Some questions were hard to answer; like ‘Wide range of shops?' and ‘high pedestrian counts?' because it was hard to tell where to put the boundaries between high and low pedestrian counts or high and low range of shops. * There are new shops being built at the moment, and it is likely that these will have a high shopping quality, but I can't be sure unless I see them. * It was hard to define the centre of Halifax in the first place, so if it were moved, I would possibly get very different results. * The zones were hard to define in the first place- I was unsure whether to have them as circles, or try to define them by looking at the properties of the different areas and drawing on zones to suit them. Was the Survey Successful? I think that the survey was successful and that using a questionnaire was a good idea. It gave me enough information to be able to make a reasonable comparison in the next chapter. The zones are very hard to define, but I chose to put them at regular intervals, leading out from the centre of the Central Business District. The survey will also help me find patterns, like the land- use survey, and give me a good all round view of the properties of Halifax's Central Business District. In the next chapter I will compare them to the properties of a model Central Business District and see how they relate to each other. How Could the Survey be Improved? The survey could possibly be improved by carrying out a more in-depth study of the position of the centre of the Central Business District. This would ensure that I got the positioning exactly right and zoning correct. This is the only way that I can think of to improve the survey.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

B.F. Skinner and Radical Behaviorism

B. F. Skinner, as he is known popularly, had made much contribution to psychology as he made confusions and debates. In delving into Skinner’s works, it is not surprising that researching about him and his ideas will overwhelm a student by the immense literature on Radical Behaviorism as well as will be lost in the confusion and humdrum of his â€Å"theory†. Thus, it is important in the narrative that it should be divided into smaller units as to delineate subjects about the whole topic. The first part will deal with a short biography of Skinner.This will only trace his career but will also include some sketches of his life that may have contributed to his line of thought and thinking. Presented in the next section are some ideas about his Radical Behaviorism and a rather shallow understanding of it. The difficulty in here however is that as one goes deeper into Radical Behaviorism, the more it is complex and confusing that the brevity of this paper will not permit. The third part is the presentation of some of the influences Radical Behaviorism had made in other fields of study.Many authors and many scholars would claim that Radical Behaviorism had influenced their fields, although only some of these fields will be presented. On the next section, a presentation be made on the criticisms on Radical Behavior. With a gigantic amount of literature written by B. F. Skinner, it is in no doubt that there will also be a great amount of published criticisms on Radical Behaviorism and only a few have made their way here. As a whole this paper will not be an ambitious research about B. F.Skinner and Radical Behaviorism but just to answer on the surface as: (1) Who is B. F. Skinner? ; (2) What is Radical Behaviorism? ; (3) What are the fields of study influenced by Radical Behaviorism? , and; (4) What are the criticisms directed towards Radical Behaviorism and to B. F. Skinner in particular? Biography Burrhus Frederic Skinner was born in Susquehanna, Pennsyl vania in March 20, 1904 (Hall, Lindzey & Campbell, 1998). His mother was an intelligent and strong housewife and his father, a modest lawyer practicing in the area (Vargas, 2004).According to Hall, Lindzey & Campbell (1998) as well as Vargas (2004), Skinner lived his early life with much warmth and stability – his parents giving him much freedom on discovery and his inventiveness. As Skinner’s daughter, Julie S. Vargas (2004) would attest that her grandmother gave her father the freedom to discover things and to develop his abilities. On the other hand, she was also strict in social matters, such as etiquette, and the young man devised many things to help him remember his mother’s social controls (Vargas, 2004).Nonetheless, the family gave emphasis on open debate over things and topics, although they have some conservative stance on certain things. With an interest on Literature, having been encouraged by Robert Frost, Skinner attended a small liberal arts schoo l of Hamilton College where he majored in English, determined to become a writer (Hall, Lindzey & Campbell, 1998). He was not successful though in writing, then he left home for New York and went to Harvard University for graduate studies (Vargas, 2004).In 1931, he received his Ph. D. and moved to the University of Minnesota in 1936 for an academic position, where for 9 years he would claim and establish a name as one of the most influential experimental psychologists of that time (Hall, Lindzey & Campbell, 1998). He then went to the University of Indiana for a short stay, in 1945 and returned to Harvard in 1948 to stay for the duration of his entire career until his retirement in 1974, where he would enrich all his ideas and theories (Vargas, 2004).Finally, on March 18, 1990 one of the most celebrated and controversial psychologists of all time died of leukemia, leaving behind a â€Å"ripple effect of his life’s work† as the â€Å"Operant procedures have crated entir e fields [of science]† (Vargas, 2004) Radical Behaviorism Radical Behaviorism is a term attributed to B. F. Skinner (Schneider & Morris, 1987), described as a distinction from the so-called Methodological Behaviorism and the â€Å"rest of psychology† (Malone & Cruchon, 2001). To contrast the two kinds of behaviorism, it is noteworthy to define both.By definition, Methodological Behaviorism is the: †¦view that there is a distinction between public and private events and that psychology (to remain scientific) can deal only with public events †¦ private events are ‘mental’ and, therefore, beyond our reach †¦ the â€Å"arid philosophy of truth by agreement† (Skinner, 1945) [that] something is meaningful or objective only if at least two observers agree on its existence. (Malone & Cruchon, 2001) According to Skinner’s viewpoint, Radical Behaviorism is quite different because, â€Å"it does not distinguish between private and public events.In so doing, it omits nothing commonly thought of as mental, but it treats ‘seeing’ as an activity similar in kind to walking (Malone & Cruchon, 2001). This is because Skinner â€Å"deny the mind/body dualism of the mentalists and the methodological behaviorists† (Malone & Cruchon, 2001). As an example, Malone and Cruchon (2001) succinctly described that: Thinking is something that we do, just as is walking, and we do not think mental thoughts any more than we walk mental steps. Personal experience is not necessarily ‘private’ experience.That part of the world within our bodies is difficult to describe because society has a difficult time teaching us to name it. (Malone & Cruchon, 2001) In other words, Skinner departed from analyzing behaviour as actions affected by our thoughts rather he argued that thoughts are effects themselves to a degree from our actions (Malone & Cruchon, 2001). With the term behaviorism attached to his ideas, he was as sociated with the Stimulus-Response Theory, but he repudiated it (Hall, Lindzey & Campbell, 1998) because accordingly his study of behavior should be:†¦redefined as studying the interactive relationship between an organism and the environment in which it behaves. The past and present environments provide the stimuli that set the occasion for behavior, and the organism’s actions operate (hence operant) on the environment. Actions have consequences, and these consequences shape the behavior of the organism. (Leahey, 2003) In addition, Skinner said that in Radical Behaviorism, it is not about the stimulus-response stance because:Instead of saying that the organism sees, attends to, perceives, ‘processes,’ or otherwise acts upon stimuli, an operant analysis holds that stimuli acquire control of behavior through the part they play in contingencies of reinforcement. Instead of saying that an organism stores copies of the contingencies to which it is exposed and la ter retrieves and responds to them again, it says that the organism is changed by the contingencies and later responds as a changed organism, the contingencies having passed into history. (Skinner, 1987)That is, â€Å"All operants and stimuli are members of classes of similar phenomena, defined by the environmental relations in which they participate. † (Ritzer, 2005). This is further said in the article Evolution of Verbal Behavior as: †¦species-specific behavior did not evolve in order that a species could adapt to the environment but rather evolved when it adapted, so we say that operant behavior is not strengthened by reinforcement in order that the individual can adjust to the environment but is strengthened when the individual adjusts.(Skinner, 1986) This is to say that Skinner’s Radical Behaviorism rests on the study of behavior in a sense that behavior is not caused by the stimuli but depends on the actions that a person reacts to in a certain setting (env ironment) resulting into another reaction, thus; â€Å"The environment not only triggered behavior, it selected it. Consequences seemed, indeed, to be more important than antecedents. † (Skinner, 1987). Some Influences by Skinner’s BehaviorismSurely, the influence of Radical Behaviorism in the applied fields has been proven by academic scholars in numerous research writings as part or a whole of some other fields in psychology. One such field is Human Geography, so called because it is â€Å"concerned with the spatial differentiation and organization of human activity and with human use of the physical environment† (Norton, 1997) and is concerned mainly of human behavior in an environment.In here, Norton (1997) corroborated that Human Geography is related to Radical Behaviorism because the principle of cultural materialism as an approach to the study of the former is similar to latter as: Radical behaviorism is concerned with the identification of the principles of individual behavior and talks about reinforcers and punishers, while cultural materialism is concerned with group behavior and talks about benefits and costs. Both argue that behavioral responses to environmental variables precede mental rationalizations as to the reasons for responses.† (Norton, 1997) Norton (1997) further adds that the research approach of Human Geography is â€Å"the analysis of behavior in landscape†, advocating the use of Radical Behaviorism. Secondly, it has also influenced the approaches of the analysis of Human Cognition as Barnes and Holmes (1991) would contend. This is because, they said that, â€Å"radical behaviorism does, on the contrary, and as opposed to earlier forms of behaviorism, direct considerable attention towards phenomena called ‘cognitive.’† (Barnes and Holmes, 1991), giving credit to the importance of the â€Å"contextualistic perspective† in the analysis of human thought. Further, they said that, â€Å"its current burgeoning of interest in human behavior, and particularly language and symbolic control, have yet to be fully appreciated and explored† (Barnes and Holmes, 1991), such that Radical Behaviorism, â€Å"can play an important role in developing psychology into a fully formed science† (Barnes and Holmes, 1991). Third, as formulated by Skinner, one such field influenced by Radical Behaviorism is the analysis of Verbal Behavior and communication.In the study conducted by Forsyth (1996) on the Language of Feeling, he identified Behaviorism as a good approach to such an analyses furthering understanding of the communication process. He said that â€Å"the functional analysis of verbal behavior has served as the cornerstone for behavior analytic research and theory about emotional behavior beginning with how people learn to label and describe their experience using language†, commending its use in clinical behaviour analysis.Fourth, an interesting prop osal of the use of Radical Behaviorism is the simulation or duplication of a community called Walden Two (Cullen, 1991), based on a novel by Skinner of the same title. The interesting part is that this proposal carried out for a community of disabled children having behavior deficits. This community was called Comunidad Los Horcones which was started in 1971 and has continued up to the present, followed the guiding rules based on the novel (Cullen, 1991).Cullen (1991) argued that the guiding principles of Radical Behaviorism can sustain a community, nonetheless the presence o only a handful of these kinds of community make it less probable for practical use. In the outset, the promise that, â€Å"it might provide the basis for sensible planning in the lives of people with learning disabilities† (Cullen, 1991). Criticisms Skinner’s Radical Behaviorism came out into the academic arena without and exemption from criticisms.According to Malone and Cruchon (2001), Skinnerâ €™s over-simplification of in his prose on the principles of Radical Behaviorism to gain public readership caused further criticisms because those who read it misunderstood it further. They said that these criticisms are, â€Å"attributable to the opacity of his prose and the excessiveness of his proposed applications† (Malone & Cruchon, 2001).Thus, the writings of Skinner led to many misconceptions as well as misinterpretations of Skinner’s works (Ruiz, 1995). Skinner have regretted this himself later in his life as he â€Å"eventually complained at having to redress misconstructions in the literature† (Ruiz, 1995). On the other Ruiz (1995), argued that Radical Behaviorism attracted strong objections from feminist critics and listed the following points as basis for that criticism as misinterpretations that it is:(a) a mechanistic stimulus-response psychology; (b) is primarily concertned with the behavior of small organisms in experimental chambers; (c) con ceptualizes the organism as a passive recipient of external forces; (d) denies or ignores innate contributions to behavior in its extreme environmentalism; (e) requires that we fragment behavior down to elemental units of analysis; and (f) deals only with overt behavior and so denies or ignores subjective experience such as feelings and thought. † (Ruiz, 1995)Quite interestingly is that Skinner’s Radical Behavior, undoubtedly had been misconstrued with these â€Å"labels† and had been the source of fierce criticisms from many quarters (Ruiz, 1995). Furthermore, Ruiz’s (1995) first entry in the misinterpretation list about Radical Behaviorism as â€Å"a mechanistic stimulus-response psychology†, was also claimed by Hall, Lindzey and Campbell (1998). In the long run, Skinner suffered misinterpretation rather than the validity of his Radical Behaviorism as a science.All three sources would agree that Skinner was misinterpreted and misunderstood (Malone & Cruchon, 2001; Ruiz, 1995; Hall, Lindzey & Campbell, 1998), because his readers and supporters as well as critiques always place labels on approaches, techniques or methods of analyses. Conclusion B. F, Skinner is a remarkable scholar of the 20th century, having to influence a handful of fields of study. In retrospect, Skinner started out with a humble beginning and his upbringing may have contributed to the immense power of thinking.His Radical Behaviorism, was an attempt of Skinner to delineate his ideas from the whole of behaviorism and the rest of psychology. In such doing, a new breed of approach had taken shape. His ideas on Radical Behaviorism eventually influenced many other fields of study for application and as an approach to many experiments. On the other hand, with such a remarkable approach, B. F. Skinner and Radical Behaviorism had been attacked by numerous criticisms simply because of its complexity; Skinner himself often over-simplify his writings to cover a wider audience that also caused much confusion and labeling on Radical Behaviorism.Nonetheless, many students and scholars also interpreted and cleared-out his ideas for better understanding such as Malone and Cruchon’s work (2001). Finally, Skinner’s Radical Behaviorism, according to most articles and proposition has a great promise to give for the science of psychology. While it is a fact, as many sources would say, that Skinner’s works are misinterpreted and confused, there is no way that in the subsequent debates and further studies on his Radical Behaviorism that it will shed more understanding to a wider audience.Thus, it is only in the hands and minds of later scholars to interpret Skinner’s work more fully. References Barnes, D. , & Holmes, Y. (1991). Radical behaviorism, stimulus equivalence, and human cognition. Psychological Record, 41(1), 19. Cullen, C. (1991). Experimentation and planning in community care. Disability, Handicap and Society Volume 6, No. 2: 115-128. Carfax Publishing Co. Forsyth, J. (1996). The language of feeling and the feeling of anxiety: Contributions of the behaviorisms toward†¦ Psychological Record, 46(4), 607. Hall, C. S. , Lindzey, G. & Campbell, J. B. (1998).Theories of personality 4ed. New York, N. Y. : John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Leahey, T. H. (2003). Chapter 6. Cognition and learning in Irving V. Weiner’s Handbook of psychology volume 1: History of psychology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Malone, J. C. & Cruchon, N. M. (2001). Radical behaviorism and the rest of psychology: A review/precis of Skinner’s About Behaviorism. Behavior and Philosophy Vol. 29, 31- 57. Cambridge: Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies. Norton, W. (1997). Human geography and behavior analysis: An application of behavior analysis to the explanation of†¦Psychological Record, 47(3), 439. Ritzer, G. (ed). (2005). Encyclopedia of social theory volume 1. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc. Ruiz , M. R. (1995). B. F. Skinner’s radical behaviorism: Historical misconstructions and grounds for feminist reconstructions. Psychology of Women Quarterly Volume 19: 161-179. EBSCO Publishing. Schneider, S. M. & Morris, E. K. (1987). A history of the term radical behaviorism: From Watson to Skinner. The Behavior Analyst Vol. 10, No. 1 27-39. Arkansas, AK: University of Arkansas Skinner, B. F. (1986). The evolution of verbal behavior.Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior Vol. 45, No. 1: 115-122. Skinner, B. F. (1987). Whatever happened to the rest of psychology. American Psychologist Vol. 42, No. 8: 780-786. American Psychological Association. Staats, A. W. (2003). Chapter 6. A psychological behaviorism theory of personality in Irving V. Weiner’s Handbook of psychology volume 5: Personality and social psychology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Vargas, J. S. (2004). A daughter’s retrospective of B. F. Skinner. The Spanish Journal of Psychology Vol. 7 No. 2: 135-140. Madrid, Spain: Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Tomorrowland Brazil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Tomorrowland Brazil - Essay Example That’s why we care for people & our planet†. The event is to take place in the City of Sao Paulo on 1st, 2nd and 3rd of May 2015. Pre-event party: A party is usually held on the night before day of the festival so as to give those to attend the event a clue of what to expect from the festival. It is known as The Gathering. The event attracts huge number of people who may not be taking part in the tomorrowland event itself. Tomorrowland Brazil offers rentable mansions: The mansions can be rented for a period of five days and is valid for a maximum of twelve people. The rentable mansions available in tomorrowland Brazil are made up of spacious living room, a kitchen with filled fridge, a bedroom, a terrace and a private bathroom, is supported by its own garden, private parking and a 24/7 service staff. It has an exclusive Jacuzzi which can accommodate many people. Mobile Apps: Those who will be attending the event will be provided with Mobile Apps that is available in both Android and Apple phones. The Apps have a number of features such as news feeds, updates on the various artists and appmiral connect. The minimum age requirement for the event is 18 years and this forms a very strictly policy of the event. This policy is ensured through the presentation of an official government-issued photo identification cards which includes original driving license, passport and ID. The tickets are grouped into four packages namely full madness regular pass, full madness comfort pass, day regular pass, day comfort pass. The rates for the packages are as follows for all the three

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Chapter Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Chapter - Coursework Example Therefore, based on this rule it is clear evidence that Daddy was guilty of doing an illegal thing to Alison and Meredith (Friedland, Bergman, & Taslitz, 2015). Student 2: As a defence Attorney, my arguments against allegations made by Alison to my client, Daddy, do not hold substantial ground for accusation. Alison does not have any prove to show that Daddy was guilty. Daddy was silent because he did not want to create an embarrassing scene in the presence of the visitors by arguing with his son, Alison. Student 3: As a judge my ruling on this case is that under Rule 104.The accused has the burden of proving innocent. If he/she remains silent, it is an indication that one is guilty. The burden consists of the following elements namely; the accused must hear the statement and understand it. The statement must be within the party’s personal knowledge. Finally, the accused party must deny the allegations if they are not true. In this case, Daddy was guilty because he violated all the above burden of proof (Friedland, Bergman, & Taslitz, 2015). The facts as presented are that Paul is a prosecution witness in a robbery charge against his friend John whom together with George and Ringo, typically played a game of poker together. It is during one of the poker game sessions that Paul teased John on a rumor that was circulated that he had engaged in a bank robbery incident. Paul requests for a share of the loot, but John is mute about it. The prosecutor seeks to rely on John’s silence as proof of guilt. The accused is cross-examined by both counsels (Friedland, Bergman, & Taslitz, 2015). Student 1: As the defense attorney, the other foundational I would seek to establish are whether in teasing each other while playing the soccer games do the guys put more emphasis on the truth of every allegation? If the answer is to the negative is there normally an intention to spoil one another’s reputation as a friend? What is the reputation of John in the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

New york Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

New york - Essay Example There were beams of light everywhere. It was so loud out there. 3:00 am seemed like 3:00 pm. At one point, I was so startled that I had to rub my eyes to make sure I was awake. The chilling night was so full of life. To see it, my brain produced lots of adrenalin. Overjoyed, I took the jacket off! It felt too warm inside it. I put my helmet on and sat upon the motorbike. I gave it a kick. Soon as the engine turned on, the pistons roared alive. One, two, three and then, tuck, the fourth gear made me pierce through the wind on the highway as I drove the bike. Times Square, Madison Square Garden, Wall Street, World Trade Centre and Ellis Island all rushed past me as I wiggled through the Downtown Manhattan. I was driving so fast I could only see blurred images. I felt like running through time. Aaaaaaa†¦ New York gave me all in one! Left turn, zoooOOOOMMM†¦.chchchch†¦right turn, zoooooooOOmm†¦chchch. Half way through the street, a pimp winked me. It was quite dark in there. I could only see white skin in the twilight for the jet black dress merged with the black night. For a fraction of a second, I took her for an alien, No no†¦rather a zombie! until she stepped forward and her silky black miniskirt shined in the twilight. Ahaaan Ahaannn! Not me, not me, no no no nunununnnnoo I kic ked the bike start, and zoomed out of her sight. Aha†¦ New York peeeeetza†¦.floudup..aah! I parked my bike across the Ottimo on the West 24th Street. I locked the bike, put off the helmet and proceeded towards the restaurant. Tuck, tuck, tuck, tuck†¦the wooden floor clapped as my heels stroke it. It was an old fashioned Italian restaurant. The crowded place at 4:30 am told me how special it was. I ordered a chicken fajita pizza with lots of mozzarella topping burnt in the wood oven. In some good 15 minutes, it was served. Mozzarella was bubbling gold. Corners of chicken cubes showed up through the mozzarella all along the diameter of the pizza. Mushrooms,

The 'New Look' in Foreign Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The 'New Look' in Foreign Policy - Essay Example or action against the Soviets, and Eisenhower's inability to confront them militarily in Europe or elsewhere that instigated the rationale behind the 'New Look' foreign policy that began in 1954. The concept was to create a large-scale nuclear force capable of massive retaliation. The plan was highly controversial when Eisenhower introduced it and it was considered impractical by both the Navy and the Army (The Army and the New Look, 2001). They viewed the plan as being carried out at the expense of a reduction in forces that would be required to fight a more convention style war. The critics "[...] denounced the 'New Look' as a dangerous gamble likely to force the US in the event of a crisis to choose between a humiliating climb down or the unleashing of a mutually devastating nuclear exchange with the Soviet Union" (Dockrill & Hopkins, 2006, p. 59). The Army insisted that the budget adequately fund a conventional force. The Secretary of Defense would often find himself negotiating among the services for scarce funding. According to the US Army Office of History, "As the Air Force's share of the budget increased in the mid-fifties to procure expensive bombers and missiles an d as the United States' capability to wage less than general nuclear war decreased, opposition to the massive retaliation policy mounted" (The Army and the New Look, 2001). Because the 'New Look' was aimed at massive retaliatory capability, it was primarily aimed at the Air Force. This meant reduction in Army forces and would cause Army Chief of Staff General Ridgeway to remark, "The present United States preoccupation with preparations for general war has limited the military means available for cold war to those which are essentially by-products or leftovers from the means available for general... Th paper outlines the necessity of 'New Look'. In retrospect, faced with a nuclear threat from the Soviets and their aggressive nature after World War II, the United States did not have a lot of options to attempt to roll back Soviet domination in Eastern Europe. The 'New Look' policies were a reasonable approach in line with the policies of containment practised at the time. Early on into the massive build-up program, it was recognised that nuclear weapons were of no value to discourage an enemy or wage a regional war. When called on to use them in Dien Bien Phu in 1954, Eisenhower was faced with the reality that the eventual outcome was simply too horrendous to ever be of use. Yet, in the long run, the potential of mutually assured destruction may have prevented a major nuclear detonation by either side. The build-up and arms race that resulted from Eisenhower's 'New Look' foreign policy left a deep and lasting impression on the American psyche. It created the biggest arms race in the history of the world and as for preventing a nuclear attack, whether it did or not, we are certain that it did not happen.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Discussion Board Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Discussion Board - Essay Example Four issues have arisen regarding the criminal justice system and its relation to individual rights and social control – restorative justice, retributive justice, psychiatric imprisonment and transformative justice. Restorative justice assumes that the victims can be restored to a condition â€Å"just as good as† before the criminal incident and that penalties for wrongs include community service, restitution and other alternatives to imprisonment. Psychiatric imprisonment, on the other hand, treats crime nominally as illness and, therefore, could be treated by psychoanalysis, drugs and other techniques. Transformative justice, meanwhile, does not consider the life of the victim and the offender, nor make any comparison about it before or after the criminal incident. It assumes that all people can be transformed and not to re-offend nor avenge. (Criminal) It is in my opinion that the United States criminal justice process follows the retributive model. That is because our system uses punishment to â€Å"pay back† wrongful deeds. When we say pay back we do not necessarily mean primitive forms of vengeance, but imprisonment, capital punishment and other punishments that the law deemed proportionate to criminal acts done against other human beings and the society as a whole. Our retributive system does not advocate vengeance per se, but justice in response to the wrongs committed against the victims and innocents. (Maiese) There are three important features in the United States criminal justice system. First, the US criminal jurisprudence is designed to protect the rights of the accused. Second, it is an open system where the court responds and reflects to its environment and therefore, is inevitably connected to the political process. And finally the third feature is the interdependency of the agencies within it – the police, courts and correctional departments. Currently, the US criminal justice

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Exceptions to the Search Warrant Requirement Essay

Exceptions to the Search Warrant Requirement - Essay Example A search warrant is not an administrative function, it is a judicial act. In the United States, the issue of Search warrants is determined under Title 18 of the US Code. The law has been restated and extended under Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure. Each state can frame its own laws governing the issuance of search warrants. Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution is one of the provisions included in the Bill of Rights. The Amendment guards against unreasonable searches and seizures, and was originally designed as a response to the controversial writs of assistance, which were a significant factor behind the American Revolution. It is observed that , in US , of the of the 19.3 million traffic stops documented in the study, about 1.3 million motorists said they or their vehicle had been searched. In almost 90 percent of these searches, police found no evidence of a crime .As such, Fourth Amendment was made to protect the interest and rights of citizens and to prevent harassment to their personal life and property. It protects citizens against unreasonable searches and seizures, provides that a search warrant may be issued only on oath or affirmation that a crime was probably committed. The amendment applies only to governmental actors. It does not guarantee to people the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures conducted by private citizens or organizations. ... The Amendment guards against unreasonable searches and seizures, and was originally designed as a response to the controversial writs of assistance, which were a significant factor behind the American Revolution. It is observed that , in US , of the of the 19.3 million traffic stops documented in the study, about 1.3 million motorists said they or their vehicle had been searched. In almost 90 percent of these searches, police found no evidence of a crime .As such, Fourth Amendment was made to protect the interest and rights of citizens and to prevent harassment to their personal life and property. It protects citizens against unreasonable searches and seizures, provides that a search warrant may be issued only on oath or affirmation that a crime was probably committed.The amendment applies only to governmental actors. It does not guarantee to people the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures conducted by private citizens or organizations. More specifically, the Bill of Rights only restricts the power of the federal government, but the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that the Fourth Amendment is applicable to state governments by operation of the Fourteenth Amen dment. Moreover, all state constitutions contain an analogous provision. For eg. Article 1, and 7 of the Tennessee Constitution. Under the Fourth Amendment , searches must be "reasonable" and " specific". This means that a search warrant must be specific as to the specified object to be searched for and the place to be searched. Fourth Amendment protects citizens from physical entry to the home by search officials. It applies equally whether the police enter a home to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Politicians Justify Spending on the London Olympic Games as Being Good Essay

Politicians Justify Spending on the London Olympic Games as Being Good for the Economy - Essay Example With the onset of the games, government officials are declaring that the games would be good for the economy and justify spending because of the benefits which the games can bring to the city and the country in general. This paper shall explain the various justifications being made for the spending on the London Olympic Games. Body In general, the Olympic Games is a major sports event which has a significant scale and can potentially bring about economic developments for the host city or for the host country as a whole. The games usually unfolds for a few weeks only however, the preparations for the games usually takes place months, even years before the event and would require considerable investments from the government and the private sector. Its impact on the economy soon after the games can also be significant and sustainable for years after the event (Pricewaterhouse Coopers, 2004). This potential can also be seen with the London Olympics. The exact economic impact of the Olymp ic Games to the host country or city is spread out over years and is seen in three stages – before, during, and after the games. ... During the games, economic activities within the city would also increase through the tourists and through the athletes attending the games. Finally, after the games, the Olympic legacy potentially would keep drawing in more tourists and investors because of the infrastructures and the other attraction which the city can now offer (Pricewaterhouse Coopers, 2004). Tourism is one of the major benefits of the Olympics, one which can be seen before, during, and after the games. The Olympics provide a special avenue which draws local and foreign tourists to the city. Visitors who are involved in the games, including the athletes, coaches, and other team officials, as well as the spectators, media, and sponsors are to be accommodated within the city (Booth, 2009). The promotion of the games would also draw in the tourists due to the media exposure and enhanced international reputation. The visitors would start to trickle in within a few months from the games and would swell to bigger numbe rs during the games. Therefore, the Olympics can sustain the city’s economy for several years after the Games (London Development Agency, 2008). Tourists can increase demands on the regional and local economy with visitors spending money on food, accommodations, transportation, and tickets for the Games. The revenues from the media broadcast and sponsors will also accrue to the city; and the IOC would generally profit from these revenues (Pricewaterhouse Coopers, 2004). Secondary effects would also be seen with money being spent within the host country. This is known as the multiplier effect where additional activities and employment opportunities related to the games are made

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Reviewing Healthcare system in Abu Dhabi Research Paper - 1

Reviewing Healthcare system in Abu Dhabi - Research Paper Example However, among them, The Ministry of Health Authority-Abu Dhabi, Emirates Health Authority (EHA) and Dubai Health Authority (DHA), are the primary authorities (Koornneefa, Robbena, Seiari d, e & Siksekf, 2012). The healthcare standard is extremely high in the country and therefore, the government spending in the sector has also been high. The total expenditure by the government in this sector from 1993 to 2003 was around $436 million. The World Health Organisation (WHO) stated that in the year 2004, the healthcare segment of the country constituted of 2.9 percent of the gross domestic product. It was identified that cardiovascular diseases were the major reason of death in the country and accounted for 28 percent of deaths. Other major causes of diseases and deaths are congenital abnormalities, injuries, accidents and malignancies. According to World Bank, Abu Dhabi and Dubai are considered to be the 3rd and 2nd most admired medical destinations in this region, apart from Jordon (Koo rnneefa, Robbena, Seiari d, e & Siksekf, 2012). High-quality medical facilities and doctors are available in UAE. Due to the high percentage of expats, foreign medical staffs and doctors are available in the country. This also prevents difficulties for the tourists from the western countries in any treatment proceedings. The most contemporary hospital in UAE is the Rashid Hospital, which is in Dubai. The country also has excellent maternal hospitals where all the deliveries are done by highly trained doctors and medical professionals.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Effective Communication Essay Example for Free

Effective Communication Essay Abstract Over the course of this paper effective communication will be broken down into different categories. The categories will consist of verbal and nonverbal communication, differences between listening and hearing in communication, formal and informal lines of communication, barriers in effective communication, and strategies that can be implemented to overcome the communication barriers. The categories will be broken down and reviewed throughout the paper and I will explain the differences between certain categories. The formal and informal communication category will be a comparison between the two and will be broken down even further. There are many barriers in communication and I will be explaining what there is that can be done to overcome those barriers. Effective Communication Criminal Justice and effective communication go together just like any good combination in the corporate industry. Without proper communication in the criminal justice field there can be huge fallouts within the departments (University of Waterloo, 2000). Effective communication can be broken down into different categories in order to better understand exactly what is needed to have a great organization. First off there must be good verbal and nonverbal communication between departments in order for the criminal justice field to produce great work. Second the departments must be able to listen and hear what other departments are telling them. There is a huge difference between listening and hearing a problem and each department must understand which one they are doing. Formal communication is huge in law enforcement because they must have structure and rules to follow to keep the department consistent. Informal communication tends to go unnoticed but is just as important as formal communication. The last category in effective communication is the barriers each department faces and the strategies that  must be put in place in order to overcome those barriers. When it comes to verbal communication there is a common misconception that is only speaking and face-to-face. This not true because listening is another big part of verbal communication and can be the difference when understanding what is really going on. When speaking to another person you must consider the listener and how they interpret what you are telling them (University of Waterloo, 2000). Not all people completely understand everything that is said right away and may need more explanation in order to get a full grasp on what is going on. If you consider your listener you may be able to get your point across in a timely matter and the listener will have a full understanding of what you are saying. For example; a police officer needs to tell another police officer on the new procedures when pulling over a suspect and approaching car. The new procedure calls for all officers to approach from the passenger side and not completely to the suspect’s window. Most officers will understand the new procedures but some officers might need a visual aid or more explanation from the officer. If the officer explains in more detail on how the new procedures are done it could save the officers life in the long run. Other verbal communications may consist of the tone of voice, the speed in which you say something, or the way you word the sentence. Listening is the most important part of verbal communication because if you can effectively listen to another person and understand what they are saying you will have better effective communication. If you effectively listen you will show that you are paying attention and potentially help the suspect/officer expand on their story or idea which could lead into more communication. Nonverbal communication is another form of communication but isn’t talked about the same way verbal communication is. Nonverbal communication comes in many different forms and can help an officer decipher whether or not a suspect is lying or telling the truth. Body language is one of the biggest ways an officer can either help a patron or question a suspect to see if they are lying. It happens every day in traffic stops specifically DUI’s because most suspects will lie when they are drunk. Officers can quickly determine if a suspect is drunk because of their body language and eye movement. The field sobriety test is the best way to determine if the suspect is drunk but body language may be  the factor that gives away suspect’s lies. In criminal justice there are formal and informal communication lines that must be followed in order to keep the continuity within the unit. Border patrol agents must follow a strict set of rules and regulations put forth by the government and leadership. This is knows as formal communication and is the backbone for any great criminal justice organization. Formal communication is defined as â€Å"a type of verbal presentation or document intended to share information and which conforms to established professional rules, standards, and processes.† (Rahman, Hirsch, Shah, I, J, S, 2007, September 1) Formal communication is used in most businesses but within border patrol the government has rules in place to keep the agents within the law. The border patrol agents use formal communication with their superiors to keep the professionalism in the unit. If the border patrol does not adhere to the rules and regulation but forth by the government they can get in serious trouble or be te rminated from their position. When dealing with the Mexican border the agents have to stay within their boundaries or there may be serious repercussions. Informal communication is the complete opposite and gives the border patrol a lot more freedom in the way they do business. Yes they must follow rules and regulations but informal communication may be referred to as the grapevine of communication. The communication is a lot more relaxed and there is not set agenda that must be followed. The downfall to informal communication is all of the topics covered might not be true which will lead to rumors or drama and isn’t highly encouraged in most criminal justice organizations. That is not to say that co-workers cannot talk freely about day to day events but if there are work related issues being talked about they must be done in a formal and professional manner. Communication barriers in the criminal justice organizations are one of the biggest problems within the organization. There are so many different types of barriers that affect the organizations communication skills. Border patrol agents are trained to speak Spanish fluently in most regions but there can still be a language barrier. Slang just like in English is used in the Mexican culture which can make it hard for a border patrol agent to  acknowledge what a suspect may be saying (Lee, Hatesohl, D, D,1993, October). Words like stop and lay down may be pretty universal but when it comes to trying to figure out where a suspect came from or who brought them there can still be a bit of a language barrier. One way to solve a problem like this is to have a partner who is either from Mexico or speaks the language of the land so he can have a conversation with the suspects. Another barrier in communication focusing on your response before the speaker has completed what they were saying. It is very common to formulate a quick response to counter a speaker but you must first listen to what has been said. If you are already formulating a response you may miss a crucial part of the discussion and your response will steer the conversation off course (Grubb, Hemby, R, K, 2003). Information overload is another barrier in communication and happens a lot in criminal justice. You may ask a question and the response contains so much information that you do not have time to process everything that is said. To avoid this problem you may ask the speaker to slow down or break down each subject in order to understand everything that has been said. The last barrier I will cover is criticizing the speaker and can be a big one in communication. If you are interviewing a potential suspect and continue to criticize everything that they say you may miss out on some crucial information. In order to avoid this situation simply listen to what is being said and hold the criticism until you have proof or a valid point (Grubb, Hemby, R, K, 2003). In conclusion, effective communication is a very broad and informative topic that can’t be covered in one paper. I was only able to cover a small speck of the entire effective communication world. Verbal and nonverbal communication is very important to the criminal justice organization because without the two criminal justice would be nothing. Formal communication must be used to keep continuity while informal communication can be used to keep the morale up in the company. You must listen to what people are saying and hear exactly what they said in order to process the request. If there are barriers in place the organization must find solutions in order to overcome the barriers and become a better organization. Effective communication is used worldwide and is a great way to keep continuity within a company, but if criminal justice organizations use effective communication they can  become the most unstoppable force on the planet. Much like the criminal justice organizations of today are the greatest on the planet. References University of Waterloo. (2000). Centre of Teaching Excellence. Retrieved from Grubb, Hemby, R, K. (2003). Effective communication for criminal justice professionals. . Belmont, CA 94002-: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning. Lee, Hatesohl, D, D. (1993, October). Listening: our most used communication skill. Retrieved from Rahman, Hirsch, Shah, I, J, S. (2007, September 1). Overcoming language barriers in the criminal justice system: can language assistance technology help? VERA Institute of Justice, Retrieved from http://WWW-language-barriers-criminal-justice-system-can-language-assistance-technology-help

CanGo Corporation Essay Example for Free

CanGo Corporation Essay CanGo does not seem to have any legitimate process flow charts, especially for its operations facility. Two floor plan layouts were drawn up. One for the current operation processes and one which shows the operation facility if CanGo invests and implements an ASRS (automated storage and retrieval systems). These two floor plans were referred to as flow charts. Flow charts consist of shapes and connectors which are labeled stating the flow of the processes, the decisions that can be made at specific stages, and outcomes of those decisions. Accompanying a flow chart would be the floor plan and written documentation outlining and explaining the entire process. Recommendation Classes Consulting recommends that CanGo draws up an actual flow chart, as well as the floor plans and written documentation explaining the processes in their operations facility. In addition, costs, financial effects (both current and future), and other details should be included for both the current operations system and the proposed ASRS and barcoding system. Having all of this documentation will show where improvements can be made and where costs can be cut. It will show and explain in detail the actual processes used for receiving, picking, and shipping. A floor plan will not take into account the actual details such as how long it take to pick books, how crowded it is on the operations floor, nor how the employees feel about the possible change. If, after creating this documentation, CanGo decides to go ahead with the new barcode and ASRS the flowchart will help in the creation and setup of the new systems. In addition, if financing is needed to install the new systems, having this documentation will show the lenders that CanGo has thought it through and can give details.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Marketing Objectives In Tourism And Hospitality

Marketing Objectives In Tourism And Hospitality This report represents a detailed analysis of current business and marketing strategy of Hilton Hotels Resorts a global hotels and resorts company with more than 540 locations in 78 countries (A Room for You, 2012, online). The parent company, Hilton International comprises a range of famous brands such as Waldorf Astoria Hotels Resorts, Conrad Hotels Resorts, Doubletree, Embassy Suites Hotels, Hilton Garden Inn, Hampton Inn, Homewood Suites by Hilton, Home2 Suites by Hilton, and Hilton Grand Vacations (Our Brands, 2012, online) The reasons for the choice of Hilton Hotels Resorts amongst many other brands in particular include a high level of brand awareness, and availability of vast amount of information about the brand. The report starts with a situational analysis of Hilton Hotels Resorts, including its current position within travel and tourism industry in the UK, analysis of companys main stakeholders and their interests, PESTLE analysis conducted for Hilton Hotels Resorts and description of marketing issues faced by the company. This is followed by a marketing report that comprises description of Hilton Hotels Resorts services, and analysis of the companys pricing, promotion and distribution strategy. Moreover, this report comprises a market research plan for Hilton Hotels Resorts that explains actions involved in each stage in the research process in order to achieve the research objective. The report is completed by discussions about importance of sustainability and corporate social responsibility for Hilton Hotels Resorts and an assessment of the companys policies in these two important areas of business practice. 1. Situational analysis 1.1 Position of Hilton Hotels Resorts within Travel and Tourism Industry in the UK Travel and tourism industry in the UK represents one of the key sectors in the national economy and according the research conducted by Oxford Economics travel and tourisms total contribution to GDP in the UK was GBP 101 billion in 2011 or 6.7% of total GDP (The World Travel Tourism Council, 2012, online) Figure 1 represents the structure of the UK tourism industry, and within this structure Hilton belongs to accommodation category. Moreover, the UK is the second biggest market for Hilton Hotels Resorts after the US (Barnett, 2011), and thus the UK market represents a point of focus for Hilton strategic level management. Figure structure of the UK tourism industry (field work) 1.2 Hilton Hotels Main Stakeholders and Their Interests Stakeholders of companys including Hilton Hotels Resorts can be divided into two categories: internal and external. Internal stakeholders represent parties that belong to Hilton such as shareholders and employees. The primary interests of shareholders are profit maximisation, whereas employee interests include gaining a wide range of tangible and intangible compensation from their employment. External stakeholders, on the other hand, are parties that do not belong to Hilton; nevertheless they have interest in the business from various perspectives. The following figure illustrates a range of Hilton external stakeholders and their interests: External stakeholder Interests Communities The nature of impact of business activity to the community Customers Purchasing products and services in lower prices Government Business employment relations, corporate taxation, compliance with laws, rules and regulations etc. Suppliers Long-term partnership in mutually beneficial terms Media Corporate performance, corporate conflicts, employee relations etc. Table External stakeholders and their interests 1.3 Hilton Hotels PESTLE Analysis PESTLE abbreviation is interpreted as political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental factors impacting businesses, and PESTLE is an important framework for assessing external factor impacting business practices. 1.3.1 Political Factors Political stability is the key to the success of any industries and it is applicable to hotel industry as well and it needs to cope with political situations everywhere in the world. The political approaches can influence the number visitors, both, tourists and business travellers visits to a nation (Jones, 2002). It may a concern for many people those who are visiting Northern Ireland because of the ongoing very delicate political situation. Moreover, Hiltons performance is directly affected by consumer protection and employment laws in UK, as well as, the nature of competitive regulation, and risks of military invasion in the country. 1.3.2 Economic Factors National macroeconomic situation and factors and events impacting the situation are major factors affecting Hilton Hotels Resorts business in the UK. For example, during the Olympic times in the UK most of the hotels were occupied and booked fully for the whole period. However, the situation was completely different once the Olympic Games were over. Additional economic factors that affect Hilton may include the extent of expected and real economic growth in the UK, national taxation policies, and seasonality and weather problems. 1.3.3 Social Factors The Hilton brand is very well known amongst international visitors and the UK is one of the popular destinations for the tourists and shopping lovers. A wide range of social factors impacting Hilton Hotels Resorts include emerging trends in consumer lifestyle, consumer demographic variables, the impact of role models in consumer decision making, and growth rate of population. For example, increasing numbers of young consumers from emerging economies like China and India visiting the UK for various purposes can be specified as an important social factor that impacts the UK hotel industry. 1.3.4 Technological Factors An overall development of technological infrastructure related to catering industry might have great impact on Hilton performance. Matters associated with the use of energy and their costs and the potential for innovation within the industry can be classified as important technological factors (Sandhusen, 2008). Furthermore, hotel bookings have become very sophisticated than ever before. Anyone can book a hotel room in a simple step with the help of internet. Increasing number of social media such as Facebook, tweeter and websites like trip advisor help both the customers and the hotels. 1.3.5 Legal Factors Legal factors are also important source of external impact on Hilton performance and they include any changes in the UK jurisdiction that affect the catering industry in direct and indirect ways. Additionally, there are many visa restriction rules are there in many countries such as the USA, the EU countries, Australia etc. for the international visitors and these countries are plays important role in the travel and tourism industry. 1.3.6 Environmental Factors The hospitality and catering industry often becomes a point of criticism for polluting the environment particularly in most of tourist attractions such as historical places, beaches, forest areas, hills etc (Foskett and Paskins, 2011). A range of activities related to tourism not only creates pollution, but also disturbs animals and related environment. Moreover, hotels and related businesses are contributing a considerable amount of carbon emissions with negative implications to the issues of global warming. Accordingly, businesses like Hilton are facing tight regulations to operate their business in the UK. These regulations are inevitably increasing the levels of operational costs for the company. Additionally, the UK being a part of the European Union (EU), Hilton performance is also impacted by relevant jurisdictions introduced by the EU. 1.4 Marketing Issues Faced by Hilton Hotels Currently, Hilton is faced with a range of substantial marketing issues in the UK threatening its long-term growth prospects. Increasing level of multiculturalism in the UK can be specified as a major marketing challenge Hilton has to deal with. Specifically, due to the increasing level of competition in the marketplace the level of cultural diversity in the UK is rapidly increasing. Accordingly, Hilton is left with a complex task of formulating and implementing a marketing strategy that needs to address cultural diversity amongst its customers. Additional marketing challenges faced by Hilton Hotels can be specified as increasing level of guest sophistication, and difficulties associated with market segmentation due to overlaps in Hilton International brands. In other words, Hilton International consists of Waldorf Astoria Hotels Resorts, Hilton Hotels Resorts, Conrad Hotels Resorts, Doubletree, Embassy Suites Hotels, Hilton Garden Inn, Hampton Inn, Homewood Suites by Hilton, Home2 Suites by Hilton, and Hilton Grand Vacations (Our Brands, 2012, online), and there is a little difference amongst these brands in terms of their market positioning. This fact creates marketing challenges for Hilton Hotels Resorts in terms of differentiating this particular brand from other brands within Hilton International portfolio. 2. Marketing Report 2.1 Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Strategies used by Hilton Hotels The process of market segmentation involves dividing the market into segments or groups based on the characteristics from the specific market. In this way the most attractive or suitable segment based on the services and products can be targeted very effectively and efficiently. Generally the market can be divided into four different groups, and they are geographic, demographic, psychographic and benefit oriented (OGuinn, et al., 2011). 2.1.1 Geographic Segmentation. Geographic segmentation involves targeting specific consumer groups according to their geographic locations in national and international levels. Hiltons geographic segmentation strategy mainly focuses on the local preferences and the location. For instance, Hilton open hotels in London for attracting mainly business people and the services mainly focus on business travellers. 2.1.2 Demographic segmentation A set of variables used in demographic market segmentation include gender, life-cycle stage, age, income, social class, and lifestyle. From this perspective, Hilton target customer segment represent middle and senior aged professionals with high level of income belonging to upper social class. Moreover, Hilton Hotels Resorts mainly target individuals that pursue luxury lifestyle, and accordingly, the company charges premium prices for its products and services perceived to be of a relevant quality. 2.1.3 Psychographic Segmentation Psychographic segmentation goes beyond demographics as it examines how a person thinks, feels and behaves, using personality, lifestyle and values as segmenting variables (Cant et al., 2009, p.118). The nature of psychographic segmentation used by Hilton involves targeting ambitious individuals who would like to express their perceived high status and achievement by staying in five star rooms offered by the hotel at premium prices. 2.1.4 Benefits Segmentation Benefits segmentation involves implementing market segmentation on the basis of benefits customers aim to obtain using products and/or services offered by the company. Accordingly, perceived or real benefits offered by Hilton to potential and existing customers include sense of achievement, a high status in society, and luxury. 2.2 Description of Hilton Hotels Products and Services In order to capture every opportunity in the market, Hilton operates hotels and other related services in accommodation, gambling and entertainment areas. Few areas are entirely new for Hilton Group, including a gambling business. Hilton Hotels Resorts offers mainly accommodation services through its hotels, resorts, apartment hotels etc. Most of the revenue is generated through selling hotel rooms to customers. There are also a range of other services and products that contribute to the level of revenue stream such as restaurants, bars, smaller shops, spa, laundry services, travel desk, business centre, banquet halls etc. Among these products and services the core one is rooms divisions which brings most of the revenues. Generally, products are divided into three levels: core, facilitating and supporting products. Core products can be explained as a basic form of a product. To put it simply core products are the main reasons for customers purchasing from a business. For Hilton Hotels Resorts core product is hotel rooms that customers stay in for a specific period of time. Peripheral services can be explained as additional products and services above the core product that businesses offer to get competitive edge in the marketplace. Facilitating products involve services that assist consumers in consumption of core products. Hilton offers a set of popular facilitating products such as customer services, bars and restaurants, and online reservation facilities. Supporting products include additional products and services that are offered in order to obtain competitive advantage for the business by increasing the value of core products and services. A range of supporting products offered by Hilton Hotels include 24/7 room service, free newspapers and magazines for business travellers, concierge services etc. (Reid and Bojanic, 2010). Augmented product is benefit offer made by businesses that consist of core product and peripheral services. Augmented products offered by Hilton Hotels Resorts include membership discounts, luxurious room and exterior designs, high class restaurants and relaxed hotel atmosphere. 2.3 Hilton Hotels Pricing Strategies Pricing strategies used by businesses are divided into four broad categories within the framework of Pricing Strategy Matrix: economy, penetration, skimming and premium pricing strategies. Economy pricing strategy involves selling products of basic features and characteristics to consumers with low budgets. Penetration pricing strategy, on the other hand, involves offering high quality products and services in low prices than the competition in order to increase market share. Skimming, as a pricing strategy is opposite to penetration in a way that products and services are offered in a higher price levels than the competition. The main rationale for the choice of skimming pricing strategy may include the desire to associate products or services with exclusiveness and a high quality. Figure Pricing strategy matrix Source: Premium pricing strategy involves charging high level prices for products and services that are perceived to have excellent quality and additional characteristics and features. From the classifications provided above the type of pricing strategy adopted by Hilton Hotels Resorts can be specified as premium. Hilton only offers five star and four star rooms and the company is able to charge its customers at premium levels because beyond the core product, Hilton also sells a set of intangible benefits such as sense of achievement, high status and luxury. 2.4 Hilton Hotels Promotion Strategy Hilton Hotels Resorts employ promotion strategy that utilises various components of promotion mix. Generally, major elements of promotion mix include advertising, public relations, personal selling, and sales promotion. 2.4.1 Advertising Advertising is a paid, mediated form of communication from an identifiable source, designed to persuade the receiver to take some action now or in the future (Klever, 2009, p.25). New advertisement slogan of Hilton Hotels Resorts Stay Hilton. Go Everywhere is aimed to communicate the marketing message of the hotel being a large global brand and maintaining a high level of quality in all of its hotels. This marketing message is communicated through a set of specific elements of advertising promotional strategy such as advertisements in newspapers and magazines popular with senior level management professionals such as Forbes, Fortune, The Economist, and Financial Times. Moreover, the communication of Hilton Hotels Resorts marketing message is also facilitated through broadcast advertisements in selected television channels. 2.4.2 Public Relations Officially, The Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPD) defines public relations as planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain goodwill and mutual understanding between an organisation and its publics (CIPD, 2012, online). In simple terms, public relations can be explained as a one way communication between the company and the public. Hilton Hotels Resorts public relations are maintained through communication with a range of parties such as customers, employees, and other private and public organisations. Specific methods of public relations used by Hilton Hotels Resorts include issuing online and offline press releases in a regular manner, and communicating through newsletters with organisational stakeholders. Moreover, the company website serves as an effective platform for Hilton Hotels Resorts for engaging in public relations. 2.4.3 Personal Selling Personal selling involves company sales representatives contacting potential customers through various channels with the aims of making a sale. The advantages of personal selling include the possibility to attract customer attention, application of interpersonal skills in order to mage the sale, and the potentials for forming and maintaining long-term customer relationships. At the same time, personal selling promotion mix has some disadvantages such as being overly expensive to conduct and reaching fewer numbers of perspective customers in a given period of time compared to other elements of marketing promotion mix. Promotion strategy used by Hilton Hotels Resorts does not involve personal selling due to the nature of the business. 2.4.4 Sales Promotion Sales promotion relates to attempts by a business to persuade potential customers to purchase products or services through introducing various incentives (Evans et al., 2004). Sales promotion is popular in hotel industry, and accordingly this specific element of promotion mix is used by Hilton Hotels Resorts in an intensive manner. Hilton Hotels Resorts engage in sales promotion through HHonors points based rewards program and discount vouchers available on official company website. Moreover, Hilton Hotels Resorts offer a wide range of deals on their website in order to increase the level of their revenues. Hilton Hotels Resorts gains practical advantages from using sales promotion in the forms of increasing the level of revenues and achieving utilisation of their rooms at a greater extend. However, it is important to note that by introducing aggressive sales promotions Hilton Hotels Resorts may be risking compromising brand value in a way that sales promotion and the possibility to use the brand services in cheaper prices might be compromising the level of exclusiveness of the brand. Furthermore, sales promotions only offer short-term advantages and thus this element of marketing promotion mix is best used only in an occasional manner. 2.5 Hilton Hotels Resorts Distribution Strategy The ultimate aim of the distribution strategy for a hotel firm can be specified as making available the products and services to consumers where, when and how they prefer them (Reid Bojanic, 2010). Hilton Hotels Resorts distribution strategy heavily relies on information technology and internet in various formats. Firstly, the official website of the company serves as an effective platform for service distribution as it is supplied with a wide range of features and capabilities providing practical assistance to customers such as booking a room, planning events and weddings, scheduling meetings and booking airport pick-ups. Moreover, the distribution of Hilton Hotels Resorts products and services is also facilitated through mobile convenient applications made available for IPhone and Android platforms. Social media is adopted as another effective instrument by Hilton Hotels Resorts in distribution of its products and services. For example, the official page of the company in leading social networking website, Facebook has been liked by more than 405,300 people who receive latest news about the company and special offer announcements through the website. The main reason behind the selection of internet platform as the base of Hilton Hotels Resorts distribution strategy relates to a wide range of conveniences associated with internet. Specifically, internet presents Hilton Hotels Resorts customers with the possibilities of purchasing products and services in advance on the go and within a timeframe of a few seconds. 2.6 Usage of Three Ps of Extended Marketing Mix by Hilton Hotels Resorts Traditional four Ps of marketing mix discussed above have been specified as product, price, promotion, and place, and additional three Ps of extended marketing mix have been adopted as process, physical evidence and people. 2.6.1 Process The process element of marketing mix is approached by Hilton Hotels Resorts according to its selected business strategy. Specifically, the company aims to maintain the process of service provision in a premium levels in a luxurious manner. Generally most of the hotels are running 24/7 their businesses unlike banks or schools. It is because the accommodation services need to be provided around the year and 24 hours in a day. In order to remain competitive the marketing process used by the hotel is very important. According to Rutherford (2007) the marketing process of a hotel should begin from deciding what to be and what to offer to whom. Creating awareness and stimulating the demand among the consumers are the key marketing process can help to achieve the competitive advantage. 2.6.2 Physical evidence Physical evidence can be explained as tangibility of Hilton Hotels Resorts services and physical outcome that is generated from consumption of the service. Specifically, physical evidence for Hilton Hotels Resorts includes luxurious interior and exterior design, attitude of hotel workforce towards customers and service provision, and inclusion of tangible goods within the service. 2.6.3 People There are various people groups that play a vital role for the success of Hilton Hotels Resorts. Broadly, people that have direct implications on Hilton Hotels Resorts performance can be divided into three categories: customers, employees and suppliers. Customers represent an important group of people for Hilton Hotels Resorts for obvious reasons. Generally hotel firms target a wide range of customers from leisure to business travellers, people those are want to eat outside etc. One of the big challenges to the hospitality marketing is satisfying the different mind-set customers. Over a period these customers needs and wants will also be changed (Bowie Buttle, 2011). Employees are classified as another group of people that can have tremendous impact on service outcome, and consequently on the level of profitability of Hilton Hotels Resorts through their performances. Moreover, Hilton Hotels Resorts rely on a wide range of suppliers and the performance of people employed by suppliers also might have indirect implications on the performance of the company. 3. Market Research It is critically important for Hilton to be conducting researches in a regular basis in order to identify the level of customer satisfaction and identify specific aspects of the service customers are particularly happy or unhappy with. The market research plan proposed for Hilton Hotels Resorts consists of the following stages: defining the problem, selecting appropriate methodology, data collection, data analysis, data presentation. 3.1 Defining the Problem Marketing research starts with a problem definition. Alternatively, this stage can be marked with formulation of research objectives. Failure to define the problem in an appropriate manner or formulate market research objective can result in the waste of time and financial resources invested in the project. The main objective of the market research plan proposed for Hilton Hotels Resorts can be specified as follows: Identifying the level of Hilton Hotels Resorts customer satisfaction and detecting specific aspects of the service customers are particularly happy or unhappy with Achievement of this marketing research objective can contribute to long-term growth of Hilton Hotels Resorts in a way that according to the findings of the marketing plan specific aspects of the service contributing to the level of customer satisfaction can be further strengthened, and equally, aspects of the service causing customer dissatisfaction can be eliminated. 3.2 Selecting Appropriate Methodology Once the problem has been clearly identified, appropriate methods need to be selected for the purposes of data collection. The methods of data collection can be divided into two categories: qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative methods use non-numerical elements such as sounds, emotions, feelings, words and others, whereas quantitative methods involve the use of numbers and calculations in various formats. Comparison dimension Qualitative research Quantitative research Types of questions Probing Non-probing Sample size Small Large Information per respondent Much Varies Administration Interviewers with special skills are required Fewer special skills required for interviewers Type of analysis Subjective, interpretive Statistical, summarisation Hardware required Tape recorders, projection devices, video, pictures, discussion guides Questionnaires, computers, printouts Ease of replication Difficult Easy Table A Comparison of a qualitative and quantitative research Source: Wiid and Diggens (2009) The most popular data collection techniques that can be used in market research include questionnaires, interviews, observation and focus groups. Table 2 illustrates a brief description of popular data collection methods Technique Description Observation Monitoring behaviours of sample group members or observing event by humans or non-humans Focus groups Organising group discussions with sample group members with the participation of a moderator addressing research questions in direct and indirect ways Projective techniques Collecting data through appealing to motives, urges, emotions or feelings of sample group members in indirect ways Survey methods Questionnaire Formulating a set of questions to be answered by sample group members in an individual manner Interviews Verbal questioning of sample group members in one-to-one basis in order to extract needed information Table Description of popular data collection methods Source: Knight and Ruddock (2009) 3.3 Data Collection The process of data collection through questionnaires is not a simple task as it may seem and there are important aspects of data collection process that need to be addressed. Firstly, ethical considerations of market research need to be addressed in this stage in a way that participation in the survey should not be made compulsory amongst Hilton customers and their personal and contact details should not be collected. Moreover, data collection and analysis needs to comply with Data Protection Act (1998). Sampling represents another important aspect of data collection from members of population. Popular sampling techniques that can be used in market research include cluster, systematic, theoretical, convenience, quota, purposive and snowball sampling methods. A critical assessment of advantages and disadvantages of sampling techniques listed above finds quota sampling as the most suitable to be utilised in the proposed market research. Utilisation of quota sampling method in an appropriate manner necessitates introduction of certain requirements for individual population members to be included in the survey (Serakan and Bougie, 2009). Accordingly, taking into account the nature of marketing plan objective the requirement introduced to individual population members can be specified as an experience of using Hilton Hotels Resorts products and services. In other words, only individuals that have used products and services of Hilton Hotels Resorts need to be asked to complete the questionnaire. This task can be appropriately implemented by offering Hilton visitors in selected hotels from various parts of the UK to participate in the survey. In order to generate adequate amount of responses questionnaire questions, answers need to be obtained from at least 1000 respondents. Moreover, Hilton Hotels Resorts market research questionnaire needs to include both, close-ended and open-ended questions. Closed-ended questions are needed to generate data about consumer demographic variables and assessment of specific aspects of service, whereas open-ended questions need to be included in order to reflect customer suggestions about potentials for improvement and to capture additional relevant issues not included in questionnaire. 3.4 Data Analysis Data analysis, as an important stage in market research involves critical analysis and interpretation of questionnaire findings. Data analysis for Hilton Hotels Resorts market research involves the application of quantitative and qualitative methods. The application of quantitative methods is needed for answers given to closed-ended questions. Specifically, percentages associated with the selection of each alternative answers to questions need to be calculated and critically analysed. The application of qualitative methods, on the other hand, is needed to analyse answers provided for open-ended questions. Qualitative data analysis in market research involves detecting common patterns within information given by questionnaire respondents and analysing these patterns from a critical viewpoint. An important point to be addressed during data collection and data analysis stages of Hotels Resorts market research relates to validity and reliability issues. In order to address these issues correctly researchers need to remain objective at all stages of research process in general, and during data analysis stage in particular. 3.5 Data Presentation The main purpose in this last stage of the marketing research is to present findings of data analysis in such a format that it can be understood by

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Jack and Simon in Chapter Three of the Lord of the Flies Essay example

Jack and Simon in Chapter Three of the Lord of the Flies In the Lord of the Flies, William Golding makes many contrasts between his symbolic characters. For example in chapter three, 'Huts on the beach', many contrasts and similarities are made between the two characters Jack and Simon. These descriptions give an idea to their personality and feelings. The description of Simon in the jungle, and Jack in the woods highlights many of their differences. Jack is alone and descriptions like, 'with flared nostrils', and 'ape- like' suggest he is behaving like an animal. Jack's appearance is also starting to resemble animals, as his hair has grown, 'longer', and his skin darker with, 'a mess of dark freckles'. Simon's appearance is described similarly to jacks. He has ' a coarse mop of black hair,' which was 'long' Simon on bare feet, like jack and he has dark skin and only wears, 'the remains of shorts'. This shows that both characters do not take much care in their appearance. In this sense, living on the island has effected them both in the same way. Jack has changed in himself by becoming less prim and proper. He has started to swear, become more dirty and tatty, 'streaked with brown earth' and he is wearing only, 'tattered shorts', these factors all show how jack is loosing his inhibitions and that from the start of the book he has changed greatly. The settings of the wood and jungle are quite similar, although the way Golding presents them greatly changed the perception of Jack and Simon. Simon, in the jungle is presented in an attractive way by descriptions like, 'the scent of ripeness' and, 'flower and fruit grow together on the same tree'. When Simon walks past the candle buds, the quote, 'the ... ... but it is evident that he has much wisdom, and says well thought through comments. An example of this is when Jack and Ralph are speaking, and Simon abruptly joins in their conversation by saying, 'as if it was not a good island'. This is meant in a way to try and make Jack and Ralph consider the point. Then he goes on to say, 'as if the beastie, the beastie or the snake- thing was real'. Simon unlike Ralph and Jack, does not find the beastie a threat, and does not seem scared or frightened about it. Jack and Ralph both like having the role as leader, and have a want for power over the lives of the group. Jack says to Ralph, ''you're chief. You tell 'em off', in a harsh tone, showing he is jealous about Ralph being leader. Simon, unlike Jack and Ralph shows no desire to be leader. This reinforces the idea that Simon could be compared to Jesus figure.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Clinical Genetic Disorder: Beta Thalassemia Essay -- Genetic Blood Dis

John and his wife Mary decided that after 3 years of marriage it was time for them to bring a child into their life. John and Mary lived on the coast of Italy, where the weather was always sunny and warm and the water not but a stone toss away. John and Mary decided that it was the right time, then, 9 months later they conceived a son, they named him Henry. During the first two years of Henry’s life John and Mary noticed abnormalities in Henry’s development. Henry did not gain weight or grow as he was expected to. He also exhibited signs of weakness and fatigue. Henry had always been pale, and this alone was never enough to alarm suspicion; but Henry’s paleness started to shift to a more yellowish tint, and along with these other signs raised enough suspicion to take Henry to the hospital. The doctor took blood from Henry to be tested. After the test result came back the doctor concluded that Henry had an enlarged spleen and liver. He was suffering from a heredit ary disease called beta-thalassemia. John and Mary in complete dismay questioned the doctor as to how their son suffered from a hereditary disease that neither of them suffered from. The doctor informed the grieving parents that both of them must be carriers of the mutated HBB gene. During the conception of Henry, John and Mary must have passed on the mutated recessive gene on: thus with the presence of two mutated recessive HBB genes caused Henry to develop Beta-thalassemia. The doctor continued to explain that the beta-thalassemia causes the beta-globin, a subunit of hemoglobin, to not be produced creating non-functional hemoglobin. Without sufficient hemoglobin, red blood cells do not develop properly, causing a shortage of mature red blood cells. This lack of red bl... .... MedicineNet, "Beta Thalassemia (A Genetic Blood Disorder)." Accessed January 27, 2014. nemia-cooley. Palit, Sarmi, Robiul Bhuiyan, Aklima Jannatul, Raju Dash, and Talha Emran. Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacy, "A study of the prevalence of thalassemia and its correlation with liver function test in different age and sex group in the Chittagong district of Bangladesh ." Last modified December 31, 2012. Accessed January 30, 2014.;year=2012;volume=3;issue=4;spage=352;epage=357;aulast=Palit. Virtual Medical Centre, "Thalassaemia (Mediterranean anemia; Cooley’s anemia)." Last modified 11 2, 2008. Accessed January 27, 2014.'ys-anemia/130

My Visit to a Greek Orthodox Church :: Observation Essays Descriptive Essay

I have decided to visit a Greek Orthodox Church, Saint Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox church. I went alone because I figured that this would not draw too much attention during the service. I tried to find a nearby church that will give the service partially in English. When I found one near me it was my luck that I went at the time when it was all spoken in Greek. The English service was at six in the evening, and the all-Greek service started at ten in the morning. So to my discouragement I was at a lost at any attempts that I had preplanned to adapt to this new environment. I didn’t even get the name of the priest. While I was there sitting in the back I was able to dissect some of the norms of the church and the culture with in.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The church external appearance was quite different than other churches that I have seen. It was basically a big white stucco block with a gold dome on top and four decorated spikes on each corner of the building that surrounded the dome. The people of course were all Greek and were very well dressed. Most of the men and boys all wore suits, and If not they had some kind of vest on. I don’t know if this was some kind of rule or tradition, but it mostly seemed as a respect to God. The women all wore the basic dresses, and all the skirts fell down below the knee. Everybody was proper and ordered. As I walked in the church I entered a lobby of some kind. What I saw hear was something like social hour. Everybody was in there. They were all speaking Greek, and I felt as if I was in a family reunion party. The children were all together; the adults talked together and the young adults all were together. The way they all socialize is when someone comes up to say he llo, they give each other a kiss on the cheek and a hug. These people are all very close to each other. It seems as if the church is the center of their lives. I admire that trait as well. To enter the auditorium you must enter this little room, which has a piece of garment from St. Constantine and St. Helen. Also there were candles lit. As they walked through this little room they lit a candle and knelt down for a moment to pray, and then touched each garment and made a cross over their chest.